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Let's support entrepreneurship : The Cartier Women's Initiative Awards

Aude Latouche

A new season has opened for the Cartier Women's Initiative Awards, a tremendous worldwide business competition, for which I have the honor to contribute as Jury - European panel.

Hereafter all information to apply! - Deadline : August 31st, 2018.

When thinking about entrepreneurship : "Sky is the limit!",

Aude Latouche

Founder and M&A Managing partner AL Corporate Advice

 ©2024 AL Corporate Advice

SARL au capital social de 5000 euros, immatriculée au Registre du commerce et des sociétés sous le numéro RCS Paris B 509 865 184.

Direction Artistique & Identité Visuelle : AL Corporate Advice & Iconographismes® / Crédits pictos : The Noun Project / Photos : Shutterstock 

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