On April 26th took place the 11th ceremony of the Cartier Awards, in which our founder Mrs Latouche serves as Jury for the European panel. It was a unique opportunity to remind ourselves what it means to be an entrepreneur or a business owner and get inspired.
Le 26 avril a eu lieu la cérémonie de clôture des Cartier Awards, où notre fondatrice Mme Latouche servait en tant que Jury Europe. Une occasion unique de se rappeler ce que cela veut dire d'être entrepreneur et chef d'entreprise.
The Cartier Awards Jury Europe 2018 / le Jury Europe
The CWIA18 ceremony - 2018 Finalists' testimonies start at 55' / La cérémonie des Cartier Awards 2018 - Les témoignages entrepreneuriaux commencent à la 55ème minute.